Business Events: This site features an exciting listing of seminars, expos, workshops, meetings, appointments, notices, etc. It is also filled with resources relevant to people interested in doing business in Jamaica, and links to public and private companies, non-profits, government institutions and more.
The Export Helpdesk is an online service, provided by the European Commission, to facilitate market access for developing countries to the European Union. This free and user-friendly service provides relevant information required by developing country exporters interested in supplying the EU market.
Trade Facilitation Office Canada (TFO Canada) was founded in 1980 by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) following a decision of the Canadian government to establish an office “to assist developing countries to export to the Canadian market.”/
Do you have a business in need of advice and services? Does your community require assistance in financial management, business development and governance? Could your students, business or organization benefit from a temporary or ongoing mentorship? If so, CESO Volunteer Advisers can provide you with the help needed to achieve the goals you set for your organization.
Export Directory of Denmark – Danish Exporters 2008, provides valuable information about the Danish market:
Calendar of fairs, exhibitions, trade shows and conferences that will take place in Mexico, Piso de Exhibicion (Exhibition Floor):
Online market place where companies can offer their products and services or find information about business partners. The service is free and is sponsored by the German Ministry for Economics and Technology:
London Calling 2008 is the pre-eminent global business forum positioned between the traditional and cutting edge global independent music and entertainment industry spectrum, where seasoned senior decision makers will gather to present their road map for the future.
Expo Zaragoza 2008, which will be held from June 14 – September 14, 2008, will provide the opportunity for each participating country to showcase their goods and services although the theme of the event – “Water and Sustainable Development”. It is expected that over 7.5 million persons will visit the Expo over the three month period. To date, 104 countries have confirmed participation, including the EU and the UN. CARICOM Day, on which Jamaica will play an integral role , will be held on July 12, 2008.
Popkomm is the international music and entertainmentBUSINESS TRADEshow from 08-10 October 2008 in Berlin, Germany. The industry’s burning issues will be discussed at the Popkomm Conference over three days, innovations presented and expertise from international representatives will be put across.
- Small and Medium Enterprises Development Line of Credit
- Modernization of Agricultural and Agro-Processing Line of Credit
- Energy Line of Credit