There has been a notable decline in the number of confirmed covid-19 cases on the island, and a reduction in the number of severe cases being treated at our public hospitals and as such, the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ) welcomes the recent remarks made by Prime Minister Andrew Holness on Friday February 10, 2022 during Parliament.
These remarks included the indication that there will be further changes to the restrictions and the eventual discontinuation of the use of the Disaster Risk Management Act (DRMA) to manage the covid-19 pandemic.
We endorse the Prime Minister’s views that the time is now to move to return Jamaica to some level of normalcy as the country has gotten weary of the disruption in their daily lives and the impact on economic activities. With no new variant on the horizon currently, we note the lifting on restrictions on movement and public gatherings globally.
We remain guided by the science and data and are confident that this supports the Prime Minister’s position to reopen the country which we anticipate will be posthaste. We encourage persons to continue to be guided by the updated science, get vaccinated and reduce further opportunities for new variants to emerge thereby protecting our health system.